Single adult

Single adult is the term used in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to describe any unmarried person over the age of 18. It is also applied to single adults over the age of 30, since they are not included in the more specific term, "Young Single Adult". Like their younger namesakes, the young single adults, the single adults enjoy a whole range of activities where they can meet and interact with many people of their own age group and beliefs.[1]


Singles wards

A ward in the church is usually geographically constructed. People living in the same neighborhood or the same area attend the same chapel and form a religious community. However, some wards are exceptions to this general rule. There are 2 types of ward charters that are specifically related to single adults. One is student wards, and the other is single adult wards.

Student wards are usually based upon being a registered student at a university, particularly BYU, the Church university system.

Singles wards generally have a wide geographic area that overlaps the traditional wards, but it is open only to voluntary single adults in a certain age range, such as 18 to 30. Old single wards also exist, which are open only to single adults within a certain age range, such as 30-45. These wards are led by the single members themselves. Many of them have served full-time missions and are well-versed in the doctrines of the church. However, the bishopric (bishop and 2 counselors) of these wards are chosen from the traditional wards. They are married men who generally serve with their wives to provide guidance to the singles wards. It is quite common for them to say that among their chief duties is to get members to marry one another in order to fulfill covenants with God and start families within the Church.

Young single adult

Young single adult (abbreviated YSA) is a category used in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to describe an unmarried adult between the ages of 18 and 30.[2]

The First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles have taught that "marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and that the family is central to the Creator's plan for the eternal destiny of His children" ("The Family: A Proclamation to the World,"Ensign, Nov. 1995, 102). While this family unit is the ideal, many Church members find themselves in a variety of other circumstances. Some are not married, but have good support from their parents or siblings. Others may not have support from an extended family.

There are many activities arranged within the church where the YSA can mingle amongst each other, get to know one another better and spend time with people of their own age group, standards, and beliefs. The activities range from fun based activities such as dances or weekend conventions, to religious instruction such as Institute of Religion classes or Firesides.

The main aim of the YSA program within the church is to provide single members with the opportunity to meet people they would like to date, and hopefully marry, who share the same beliefs and goals in life.

See also
